Beginning June 17, 2016, Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA) will offer bus service on Fridays via VVTA Route 200 Needles Link from Needles to Barstow and Victorville. The bus service, which will allow Needles residents to attend Friday court hearings at the Barstow and Victorville courthouses and provide Needles residents with much needed access to court and community services outside of Needles, is the result of collaboration between the San Bernardino Superior Court, VVTA, and San Bernardino County 1st District Supervisor Robert Lovingood. This collaboration is also part of the Court’s ongoing effort to restore services that were reduced over the last several years during challenging budgetary times.
Full article can be seen at: http://www.sb-court.org/Portals/0/Documents/PDF/NewsandNotices/6.13.16%20PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20Needles%20Bus%20Service.pdf
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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