United States District Court ― Northern District of California
Due to budget reductions caused by sequestration, the Court will observe five furlough days in Fiscal Year 2013. The Court has approved the following furlough schedule to begin in May, absent further notice.
The current plan is for the Court’s San Francisco, San Jose and Eureka divisions to be closed on the first Friday of each month and the Oakland division to be closed the first Monday of each month. Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Oakland division will be closed the second Monday in September.
The schedule for May-September 2013 will be as follows:
San Francisco, San Jose & Eureka
Friday, May 3
Friday, June 7
Friday, July 5
Friday, August 2
Friday, September 6
Monday, May 6
Monday, June 3
Monday, July 1
Monday, August 5
Monday, September 9
Furlough Closure Guidelines for Parties & Counsel:
1. Federal buildings will be open on furlough closure days, allowing public access to drop boxes for filing purposes in San Francisco, San Jose, and Oakland during regular posted hours. Items filed in accordance with the Court’s drop box procedures will be considered “filed” on the date they are file-stamped and deposited in a drop box, unless that date is on a weekend or federal holiday. For purposes of drop box filings, furlough closure days will be considered regular court days. Drop box procedures can be found at: http://cand.uscourts.gov/dropbox.
2. Any urgent matter arising from a case in a closed division should be brought to an open division only if it is an emergency that cannot wait until the next court day.
3. CM/ECF will be available for electronic filing on furlough closure days; the ECF Help Desk will be open but there may be longer-than-usual hold times for service.
4. Hearings that fall on furlough closure days will be rescheduled by the court. If you have proceedings that are affected, you will be notified.
5. Each judge individually shall decide if a court-imposed deadline that falls on a furlough day shall be postponed until the next regular business day.
More information about the impact of budget sequestration on federal courts is available at the United States Courts website at:
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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