U.S. Bankruptcy Court Updates

Central District of California

Valuable Resources Available: Central Guide & Court Manual

The Central Guide

If you have not already done so–check out The Central Guide. A hyperlinked and thorough guide to this court’s procedures.

A recorded informational session can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2FytHcsDus

Click here to learn more.

The Court Manual

Another valuable resource is The Court Manual, which is an adjunct to the LOCAL BANKRUPTCY RULES (LBRs) and is incorporated in the LBRs. It includes specific information, instructions, and requirements regarding the court for the use of lawyers, legal assistants, and the public. For each judge’s specific requirements please visit the Judges’ Directory.

Click here to learn more.


Eastern District of California

Open Letter to the Bar from Chief Bankruptcy Judge Frederick E. Clement

An open letter to the bar from Chief Bankruptcy Judge Fredrick E. Clement regarding Chapter 13 practice and the flat fee paid to Chapter 13 practitioners.

Click here to read an Open Letter to the Bar from Chief Judge Fredrick E. Clement re: Chapter 13 Flat Fees and LBR 2016-1 (revised).

Click here to read Proposed Local Rule 2016-1.


Northern District of California

Guidelines for Adversary Proceedings under 11 U.S.C. § 523(a)(8) in which the United States is a Defendant

These Guidelines became effective on April 24, 2023, and are intended to accommodate guidance recently promulgated by the United States Department of Justice in cooperation with the United States Department of Education. Going forward, the Court will expect litigants in adversary proceedings under Section 523(a)(8) to comply with these Guidelines.

Click here to learn more.


Southern District of California

New Section 341 Meeting Zoom Information

The U.S. Trustee Program is implementing virtual § 341 meetings of creditors in chapters 7, 12, and 13 cases in the Southern District of California for § 341 meetings being held on or after August 10, 2023.  The new information will be reflected on the Notice of Bankruptcy Case in the § 341 meeting notice section.

Click here to learn more.

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