Take Time EVERY Day for Self-Care & Well-Being

By Ana Fatima Costa

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. How are you feeling?

COVID and lockdowns resulted in most law firms and legal organizations working remotely and a greater need for well-being support. With the pandemic continuing, legal employers are realizing that well-being isn’t only an individual responsibility; they too have a vested interest in the well-being of their team members.

Last week was Well-Being Week in Law, an initiative launched by Institute for Well-Being in Law (1) after a landmark study (2) acknowledged the need for greater well-being for lawyers and legal professionals, from law school to the judiciary.

Each day focused on a daily theme/need:  Physical (Monday), Spiritual (Tuesday), Career and intellectual (Wednesday), Social (Thursday), and Emotional (Friday).  

The truth is well-being needs to be a priority EVERY day.  What can you do to take care of each of these needs, every day?

Here are some suggestions:

Physical:  Take a 15-20 minute walk alone or with a family member or your dog. Breathe. Appreciate nature. Listen for birdsong. Watch for butterflies. Take a nap. Dance. Stretch. Garden. Read a novel while lying in a hammock. Listen to music.

Spiritual:  Upon awakening, meditate, pray, state affirmations aloud, and/or read spiritual texts. Take comfort in creative arts. Keep a gratitude journal. Reflect throughout the day: Whom and what are you grateful for? What makes you happy?

Career & Intellectual:  Listen to podcasts that stimulate your curiosity, professional growth, and well-being. Jot down your career goals for the year and beyond. List your achievements. What interests do you want to explore?

Social:  Reach out to family members and friends you haven’t seen in a while. Call or schedule a Zoom. Begin to make plans to get together as restrictions are lifted. Having something to look forward to provides an instant boost to your well-being.

Emotional:  Honor and acknowledge your feelings without judgment as you go through each day. What am I feeling right now? What do I need? Be curious about yourself. If you are in pain, seek professional support (3). Know you are not alone.

If you missed last week’s events, it’s not too late! Institute for Well-Being in Law is offering additional support at Well-Being Week After Party, May 17 to 21, 2021.


Ana Fatima Costa, a former court reporter and Governor of Mt. Diablo LPA, is a certified coach, author, and speaker. She will offer the Inspirational Message at LPI’s 87th Annual Meeting of Delegates and Board of Governors.


(1) Institute for Well-Being in Law: https://lawyerwellbeing.net/organizations/

(2)  ABA, Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation Release First National Study on Attorney Substance Use, Mental Health Concerns (Feb 3, 2016)


(3) National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):  https://www.nami.org/Get-Involved/Awareness-Events/Mental-Health-Awareness-Month

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