The court’s Fee Schedule (SDSC Form #ADM-001) has been amended and contains three increased fees which are summarized below.

All changes are effective January 1, 2015.

Increased Fees:

  •  Court reporter fee for proceedings lasting more than one hour. Increased from $394 to $403 for a half-day, and from $788 to $806 for a full-day [Gov. Code §68086(a)(2)];
  • Interpreter: Court Staff. Increased from $67 to $73 an hour [Gov. Code §70631];
  • Off Site Retrieval of Documents. Standard retrieval increased from $10 to $18; same day if requested by 10:00 a.m. increased from $15 to $20; and Emergency within three hours of request increased from $20 to $28 [Gov. Code §70631].

The revised Fee Schedule (SDSC Form #ADM-001) is posted on the court’s website at and will also be available in the clerk’s office.

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