Pursuant to Government Code § 68106 and Rule 10.620 of the California Rules of Court, the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, is providing over 60 days’ notice of changes being made in the Court’s North County Division.
Effective October 16, 2017, the North County Division Business Office will no longer accept the filing of new small claims cases. As of that date, all new small claims cases and any subsequent filings on those cases for the County of San Diego must be filed in the Central Division, at the Hall of Justice, 330 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101. The North County Division Business Office will continue to process any subsequent filings on Small Claims cases filed prior to October 16, 2017 until the North County Division Small Claims Business Office closes at the end of the business day on December 1, 2017.
Effective December 4, 2017, Departments 8 and 11 of the North County Division, located at 325 South Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081 (the “North County Division”) will no longer hear small claims cases. As of that date, all small claims cases for the County of San Diego will be heard in the Central Division, located at the Hall of Justice, 330 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101.
Effective December 4, 2017, the North County Division Business Office will no longer accept any small claims documents for filing. All small claims documents will then need to be submitted to the Central Small Claims Business Office in the Hall of Justice.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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