Please note that effective Monday, February 22, 2016, the CA Southern District Bankruptcy Court will start using the NextGen CM/ECF system which means you will need to use the new CM/ECF/Passer login information you should have already received when filing or retrieving documents from this Court. Thank you.
Your CM/ECF Password WILL stop working on
February 22, 2016 if you do not pay attention to this announcement!
The Next Generation CM/ECF (Next Gen) system will launch in the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California on February 22. New functionality allows you to maintain one account across all courts (district, appellate, and bankruptcy) and to sign in using one log-in and password for all courts where you have permission to file (each court must be upgraded to Next Gen).
Detailed information on the process and the Next Generation CM/ECF Program can be found on the court’s Next Gen webpage at http://www.casb.uscourts.gov/html/cmecf/nextgen.html.
You can also register for a WEBINAR where we will explain this this process remotely. These steps outlined below are actually two 5-10 minute tasks, but they must be completed so you can file electronically after February 22.
Here is what you need to do to keep e-filing*.
Do you share a PACER account in your office? You must have your own individual PACER account**, which will be linked to your CM/ECF filing account. Shared PACER accounts cannot be used by filing attorneys once we have launched Next Gen. If you have an individual account STOP and go to “upgrading” below.
If you do not have an individual account, step by step instructions can be found on our Next Gen webpage. You can register for a PACER account at https://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/pscof/regWizard.jsf. Questions regarding individual PACER accounts should be directed to PACER at pacer@psc.uscourts.gov or by calling (800) 676-6856. Answers to frequently asked questions may be found at https://www.pacer.gov/nextgen.
Upgrading. Individual accounts have to be UPGRADED to work with Next Gen*. If you already have your own Individual PACER account but it was created prior to August 11, 2014, you must UPGRADE it*. Go here https://pacer.psc.uscourts.gov/pscof/login.jsf. (Once again, step by step instructions for upgrading can be found on our Next Gen webpage).
At this point, wait for February 22 and then you connect (link) the accounts. Note, you must know your existing CM/ECF login/password for the linking process to work. This is the account used for filing documents. If it is stored in your browser, it will be lost and not recoverable except by the court. If you don’t know your login/password prior to 2/22, go to the ECF login page and click on ‘forgot my ECF password’ and follow the instructions. The login is generally the first initial and full last name.
You need to link your PACER account to our CM/ECF system. When you first log-in with your upgraded PACER log-in you will see only a PACER menu. You will link the accounts in the Utilities menu item. Once again, step by step instructions for linking can be found on our Next Gen webpage. Once completed, a refresh will give you the CM/ECF menus. This is a one-time process. Go to our Next Gen webpage for instructions on linking. If you need help, email info_casb@casb.uscourts.gov.
*Do you file in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, the Bankruptcy Courts in Alaska, Oregon or New Jersey or the District Courts in Kansas, Minnesota, or the Northern District of Florida? If you do, you may already have an upgraded PACER account and linked your account for Next Gen filing. If you are sure that you have already linked to any of these Next Gen Courts listed above – then you can start at LINKING to our Court on February 22. You can verify your upgrade status at PACER.
**Firms may set up a PACER Administrative Account to help manage attorney accounts and have them centrally billed PACER access fees. Complete information regarding PACER Administrative Accounts (PAAs) can be found here: https://www.pacer.gov/documents/paausermanual.pdf . Click here to register for a PAA Account: https://www.pacer.gov/reg_firm.html.
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