If you are a registered CM/ECF user, the next time you file a Complaint or Notice of Removal in the Central District of California, the Court encourages you to file it electronically. The recently expanded Attorney Case-Opening Pilot Project allows participants to e-file most new civil cases online as long as the case is initiated with a Complaint or a Notice of Removal and the filing party intends to pay the filing fee online by credit card at the time of filing or no filing fee is required (i.e., case filed by the U.S. Government or exempted by statute). See General Order 14-01 (http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/general-orders/GO%2014-01.pdf).
When you e-file a Complaint or Notice of Removal, you can do so 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and pay the filing fee online via Pay.gov. The Court has seen a 440% increase in e-filing this year.
Attorneys may also file Amended Complaints, Counterclaims, Cross-Claims, and other claim-initiating documents electronically in any civil case. The only documents that may not be filed electronically are: (1) any document automatically sealed by statute or operation of law; (2) any document accompanied by an application to seal the document or the entire case; and (3) any document exempted from electronic filing by order or rule other than Local Rule 3-2.
To get started, view the Notice From the Clerk: (http://www.cacd.uscourts.gov/news/attorney-case-opening-pilot-project-0).
To learn more, visit
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