Pursuant to Government Code § 68106 and Rule 10.620 of the California Rules of Court, the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, is providing over 60 days’ notice that it will be closing the Family Court Building at 1555 Sixth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 and the Madge Bradley building at 1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA 92101 (including both business operations and courtrooms), and transferring the operations therein to the new San Diego Central Courthouse at 1100 Union Street, San Diego, CA 92101 (the “Central Courthouse”). The Family Court Building, which currently houses courtrooms F-1 to F-6, will close at 3:30 p.m. on July 12, 2017. The Madge Bradley building, which currently houses courtrooms F-8, F-9 and PC-1, PC-2, and PC-3 will close at 5:00 p.m. on July 12, 2017.
Family and Probate court operations and hearings in Family and Probate cases will resume on July 17, 2017 in the new Central Courthouse at 1100 Union Street. Effective that same date, all probate case filings, and filings for family cases pending in the Central venue district, must be made in the new Central Courthouse.
Also moving from the Family Court and Madge Bradley Buildings and reopening in the new Central Courthouse at 1100 Union Street beginning July 17, 2017 will be Family Court services, Family Law Facilitator services, the Domestic Violence Restraining Orders clinic operated by the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, and the Children’s Waiting Room.
These actions are due to the completion of the building project to construct the new Central Courthouse.
The Court is inviting public comment on this change prior to implementation. To ensure prompt review and consideration, comments should be submitted electronically through the Court’s website at www.sdcourt.ca.gov (click on “Invitation to Comment”). For those without easy internet access, comments may be mailed to: Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 220 W. Broadway, Executive Office, San Diego, CA 92101, attention Michael Roddy, Court Executive Officer.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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