The Napa Superior Court is accepting applications for youth and adult commissioners for appointment to the Napa County Juvenile Justice Commission.
The Juvenile Justice Commission is a state-mandated commission consisting of both adult members and student members from high schools in Napa County. Members of the Commission are appointed by the Presiding Judge of the Napa Superior Court.
The Juvenile Justice Commission consists of a minimum of seven and no more than 15 community volunteers. At least two of the members are required to be persons between 14 and 21 years of age, provided there are suitable applicants. Adult members serve four-year terms and may apply for reappointment. Youth members serve one two-year term.
The Juvenile Justice Commission provides a valuable annual inspection and review of operations of Juvenile Hall and other juvenile detention facilities in Napa County; examines programs and policies for youth involved in the juvenile justice system; investigates citizen complaints regarding treatment of children in the system; and advocates for needed services.
Although no specialized professional background or experience is required, discretion and integrity are required in the conduct of Commission business.
The Commission holds one meeting per month and issues an annual report at the end of the calendar year.
Individuals interested in becoming a Juvenile Justice Commission member should contact the Napa Superior Court Executive Office at (707) 299-1110 for more information. Apply for the Juvenile Justice Commission by completing and submitting an application. Applications must be received by the court by 5 p.m. April 15, 2016.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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