Effective January 1, 2015, the Los Angeles Superior Court will publish an updated Fee Schedule to reflect the various changes in Civil and Probate filing fees. Please refer to the updated Fee Schedule on the Court’s web page at www.lacourt.org on January 1, 2015.
Probate Investigator Fees
– Initial Conservatorship Investigation pursuant to Probate Code section 1851.5. ($650.00)
– Conservatorship review fee pursuant to Probate Code section 1851.5. ($425.00)
– Guardianship Investigation pursuant to Probate Code section 1513.1. ($500.00)
Amended Language re Existing Fee
Pursuant to Los Angeles Superior Court Local Rules, rule 3.3(k)(7) and California Rules of Court 3.400(c), all class actions are presumed to be complex. Pursuant to Government Code Section 70616(a), the complex case fee and first appearance fee must be paid at the time of the filing of the first paper in a class action proceeding.
Categorized in: Legal Procedure
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