Beginning March 18, 2019, all represented parties in all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Civil Writ petition cases are required to file all documents through Electronic Filing (E-File).

Family Law cases, Probate cases and Habeas’ Corpus petition cases are not required to E-File documents at this time.

Self-represented litigants are not required to E-File documents, but are encouraged to do so.

An attorney may request to be excused from the E-File requirement by showing undue hardship or significant prejudice by filing and serving a Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Filing and Service (Judicial Council Form EFS-007) with a Proposed Order (Judicial Council Form EFS-008).

Until a Request for Exemption from Mandatory Electronic Filing is ruled on, an attorney is allowed to file documents in paper form.

For CEQA petition cases the format of the administrative record must comply with California Rules of Court, rules 3.2200 through 3.2208. The party lodging the administrative record must submit two (2) copies of the administrative record, contained on a CD-ROM, DVD, or other electronic format, in a manner that cannot be altered, and one (1) copy of the administrative record in paper format. All copies of the administrative record should be submitted through conventional non-electronic means. The party lodging the administrative record shall file electronically and serve a Notice of Manual Filing for the administrative record.

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