First Day of Winter is Almost Here

The First Day of Winter is December 21 also known as Winter Solstice. This year, the solstice will be at 10:27 p.m. EST. This date will mark the shortest day of sunlight of the entire year but it is also the sign that each following day will grow longer, meaning a little more sunlight.

Depending on where you live, the Old Farmer’s Almanac indicates it will be a “Winter Wonderland” this year. Though it will depend on where you live, overall, snowfall is expected to be above normal, with some locations seeing colder temperatures compared to previous years. So get out those jackets and snow shovels.

Consider participating in a Winter Solstice Celebration on December 18, 2023, between 7-9 pm. This will be a hybrid meditation followed by instruments, songs, poetry, stories, and skits. The event is hosted by Valley Streams Zen Sangha in Sacramento. Click here for additional information.

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